Wireless Tilt Sensor Archive

Using Resensys wireless tiltmeters to monitor retaining walls surpasses the effectiveness of traditional surveying methods

The stability of retaining walls in geotechnical terms is crucial for the structural support of bridges, buildings, and other structures dependent on the wall. Multiple factors pose a threat to the stability of these retaining walls. For

Resensys Wireless Bridge Monitoring in NASA Kennedy Space Center

Resensys Wireless Gauges play a vital role in overseeing NASA’s movable bridges in Cape Canaveral, Florida. This state-of-the-art system includes advanced wireless sensors such as the strain gauge SenSpot, accelerometer SenSpot, and tiltmeter SenSpot. Together, they form

Resensys Wireless systems used to monitor I-40 over Mississippi River Bridge

On May 12, 2021 a crack found in the I-40 bridge connecting Arkansas and Tennessee.  This crack in a steel beam caused the bridge to be shut down immediately, resulting in traffic re-routing and massive efforts to

ARTBA 2021 Bridges Report shows that more than 1/3 of all US bridges need repair

Check out the ARTBA 2021 Bridge Report Which shows that 220,000 US bridges need repair. The National Bridge Inspection Program (NBIS) sets inspection intervals for bridges according to certain criteria, and classifies bridge inspections into 5 types:

Monitoring Settlement of a Retrofitting Concrete Beam at a Building

Project Preview A high rise building’s load bearing concrete beam, which is suspended over a top floor terrace, was slowly deflecting over time. A fix was created to hold the deflecting beam.  The fix is steel beams

Steel Girder Bridge Case Study: Wireless Tilt (Bearing Rotation) and Wireless Strain Sensors on Steel Girder Bridge

Monitored Variables and Members: bearings rotation and strain in girders Bridge Structure:  the steel girder bridge over the river consists 14 piers and 2 abutments. The bridge longest span is about 160 feet, and it is fracture

Scour Critical Bridge Case Study: Wireless Tilt, Wireless Water Level Sensors and Camera on Continuous Span Concrete Girder Bridge

Monitored variables and members: piers tilt (incline; roll and pitch), water level of the river under the bridge, camera Bridge Structure:  The two west/east-bound bridges over river consists 7 piers and 2 abutments.   Continuous span girder

Resensys Installs Tilt and Water Level SenSpot Sensors on Trancas Creek Bridge in Malibu, CA

On November 14th and 15th, 2017, Resensys installed 6 SenSpot Wireless Inclinometers, SenSpot Water Level sensor and 2 SeniMax data loggers on Trancas Creek Bridge in Malibu, CA. Trancas Creek Bridge is a coastal, 100 foot bridge

Resensys wireless strain and tilt sensors on fracture critical US522 over Potomac River Bridge

Resensy’s wireless strain sensors (Strain SenSpot) and wireless tilt sensors (Tilt SenSpot) were used to monitor another fracture critical bridge in Maryland. The structural health monitoring based on Resensys SenSpot sensors system was deployed on bridge US522

Resensys Wireless Monitoring System Deployed on US 29, Maryland

The system installed on Aug 27th 2015, consists of 8 tilt and 8 strain SenSpot sensors and one SeniMax data logger and remote communication gateway. The main purpose of the installation is to monitor operation of the