Resensys Receives New Project to wirelessly Monitor Strain on Connecticut’s Largest Structure

On the col morning of December 8th, 2015, Resensys team was brought to in New London, Connecticut along with a team of AI Engineers to deploy the Resensys Health Monitoring System on the Gold Star Memorial Bridge. Opened in 1943, the bridge is the largest structure in Connecticut with a length of 6,368 ft. and a width of 80 ft. Resensys attached 20 high-rate strain SenSpot sensors and 3 SeniMax data loggers and remote communication gateways, and 2 auxiliary signal repeaters to the bridge.BridgePic1

The largest structure in Connecticut, Gold Star Memorial Bridge carries over 117,000 vehicles across Thames River each day.


Using the high-rate strain SenSpot sensors, Resensys is able to monitor the strain on particular areas of the bridge under different circumstances, such as traffic flow, temperature.  All of the data is processed through Resensys’s SenScope software which collects and visualizes the data and has an automated alert system which provides continuous coverage with no down-time. SenSpots provide an easy and efficient way to detect any structural malformations while only using about 4 microwatts of power and typically last for 20 years before needed replacement.



Self-adhesive SenSpot Sensorsand stick to virtually any structure surface.



The SeniMax is powered by solar and backed up by rechargeable batteries to ensure no down-time.

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