Wireless Displacement/Crack Meter Sensor Archive

Resensys Wireless systems used to monitor I-40 over Mississippi River Bridge

On May 12, 2021 a crack found in the I-40 bridge connecting Arkansas and Tennessee.  This crack in a steel beam caused the bridge to be shut down immediately, resulting in traffic re-routing and massive efforts to

Asset Management – wouldn’t it be nice to have a real-time pulse on your most critical infrastructure assets?

Few things are more frustrating to commuters than a lengthy traffic detour.  Hours and miles are added to trips and patience erodes. To transportation officials, an unexpected bridge inspection report represents an immediate call to action.  Safety

Sustainability – small products, big impact

When it comes to SUSTAINABILITY, often small wins BIG. What are some drivers of sustainability?  Smaller environmental impact? Less or better use of resources (including re-use or recycling)? Implementation of sustainable systems – ones that are in

ARTBA 2021 Bridges Report shows that more than 1/3 of all US bridges need repair

Check out the ARTBA 2021 Bridge Report Which shows that 220,000 US bridges need repair. The National Bridge Inspection Program (NBIS) sets inspection intervals for bridges according to certain criteria, and classifies bridge inspections into 5 types:

Deployment of Temperature SenSpot in a tunnel in Calgary

The trip to Calgary was fun for the most part but the cold! Just imagine how hard it could be to work for the whole day outside when temperature is below -20 °C.