Wireless Strain Sensor Archive

How Wireless Sensors Measure Strain: Principles and Applications

Wireless sensors have transformed how we monitor the health of infrastructure, especially in measuring strain. Traditional strain measurement methods often involve wired sensors, which can be complex and prone to maintenance issues. Wireless technology offers numerous advantages

Resensys Wireless Bridge Monitoring in NASA Kennedy Space Center

Resensys Wireless Gauges play a vital role in overseeing NASA’s movable bridges in Cape Canaveral, Florida. This state-of-the-art system includes advanced wireless sensors such as the strain gauge SenSpot, accelerometer SenSpot, and tiltmeter SenSpot. Together, they form

Wireless Strain SenSpot™ Gauges Have Been Featured in “Roads and Bridges” Magazine, October 2022 issue

Resensys wireless solution for the Hernando de Soto Bridge (Carrying INTERSTATE 40 (I-40) over the Mississippi river in west Memphis and Arkansas) during critical repairs has been highlighted in October 2022 issue of “Roads and Bridges” Magazine.

Resensys Wireless systems used to monitor I-40 over Mississippi River Bridge

On May 12, 2021 a crack found in the I-40 bridge connecting Arkansas and Tennessee.  This crack in a steel beam caused the bridge to be shut down immediately, resulting in traffic re-routing and massive efforts to

Sustainability – small products, big impact

When it comes to SUSTAINABILITY, often small wins BIG. What are some drivers of sustainability?  Smaller environmental impact? Less or better use of resources (including re-use or recycling)? Implementation of sustainable systems – ones that are in

ARTBA 2021 Bridges Report shows that more than 1/3 of all US bridges need repair

Check out the ARTBA 2021 Bridge Report Which shows that 220,000 US bridges need repair. The National Bridge Inspection Program (NBIS) sets inspection intervals for bridges according to certain criteria, and classifies bridge inspections into 5 types:

Steel Girder Bridge Case Study: Wireless Tilt (Bearing Rotation) and Wireless Strain Sensors on Steel Girder Bridge

Monitored Variables and Members: bearings rotation and strain in girders Bridge Structure:  the steel girder bridge over the river consists 14 piers and 2 abutments. The bridge longest span is about 160 feet, and it is fracture

Monitoring Bridges Australia Concrete Bridges under extreme loads: Wireless Strain Monitoring

The transport of extreme loads or “superloads” (deemed anything greater than 200 tonnes) on large convoys is often necessary in Victoria, Australia. Considerable planning and assessment are undertaken by the state’s Department of Transport (colloquially known as

Resensys wireless strain and tilt sensors on fracture critical US522 over Potomac River Bridge

Resensy’s wireless strain sensors (Strain SenSpot) and wireless tilt sensors (Tilt SenSpot) were used to monitor another fracture critical bridge in Maryland. The structural health monitoring based on Resensys SenSpot sensors system was deployed on bridge US522

Resensys Strain Monitoring System on SR-16 Clay County Culvert Florida

On November 21st 2016, a Resensys structural health monitoring system was deployed on SR-16 Clay County Culvert. The system consists of 4 high rate strain SenSpot sensors and one SeniMax data logger and remote communication gateways.