Resensys Adds More Strain SenSpots and Conducts Truck Test on Gold Star Memorial Bridge, Connecticut
In July 2016, AI Engineers was tasked by the Connecticut Department of Transportation (ConnDOT) to work with the Resensys team to add 8 more Wireless Strain SenSpot Sensors in addition to the 20 previously installed strain gauges. During this instillation process, a truck test was also performed to collect data from the sensors. The Resensys Health Monitoring System records continuous data from the sensors placed on structures to detect any structural malformations before they become a threat to the integrity of the bridge.

Resensys SenSpot Sensors are compact, lightweight, and are self-adhesive to ensure easy instillation

One instillation done within a few minutes. This SenSpot will collect and transmit data for more than 10 years
In early morning hours (around 4:00 am) Resensys, ConnDOT, and AI Engineers teams arrived at the scene to begin the truck test. The truck weighed approximately 67,750 pounds and drove over the bridge in multiple trials for the Resensys Wireless Strain SenSpot Sensors to collect data on multiple driving patterns. I-95 was temporarily shut down during the tests. This was the reason that the tests were conducted in early morning hours.

The view of I-95 from inside the test truck on Gold Star Memorial Bridge. Rarely can I-95 be seen so calm and empty!
The mission was successful and the Gold Star Memorial Bridge will continue to operate under the monitoring and protection of the Resensys Structural Health Monitoring System.